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The Cold Is Coming, and The BUGS Will Be Looking To Come Inside!

The cold weather is coming weather we like it or not and the bugs are going to start to find there way into your home to try and survive. Stop them before they get inside. Put down a barrier to protect your home. By applying a barrier around your home as seen here before it starts to get cold, you will have better results keeping them out.

Need help with protecting your home and keeping the BUGS OUT please call 815-703-0873, email us @ info@greenacresgroup.net or fill out the contact us form.

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“You must be absolutely delighted by our services! If for any reason, or no reason at all, you feel you’re not absolutely, positively 100% happy with our work, I won’t be happy either. That means I WILL NOT REST until we make it right. I will immediately send my team to fix the problem, no questions asked… That is how strongly I believe you will love what we do. Let us prove it to you!”