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We Are Really Using A Meat Thermometer In The Lawn!!!

We Are Really Using A Meat Thermometer In The Lawn!!!

We use this to tell us the ground temperatures in the spring. It may sound weird but this is critical to know for us. We know that weeds and crabgrass start to germinate at around 55 degrees. So with this we are able to see how much longer we have to get pre-emergents in the soil. Hopefully you did it last year and you have built up some tolerance in the soil so you have a little more time. If you did not do this last year then it is more important to get it down. We do 3 applications in both our turf and plant bed areas.

Remember it is easier to prevent weeds than it is to have to treat them after they are there. But also remember that there is always weeds seeds everywhere and it is an on going process. There is so much that you can do to help prevent weeds as well, such as a thick turf area, or a good 3 inches of mulch coverage.

You can learn more by watching these other videos here.



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