Is it cheaper to DIY or Hire Green Acres Lawn Care to do your Fertilizing and Weed Control?
Well as you can see here in the video, if you use quality products that can compare to a great quality product we use, it is cheaper to use Green Acres Lawn Care. If you do use the cheaper products, it is technically cheaper. Not including any of your time or money to purchase or replace any equipment that is needed. If you factor that in I believe that it is the same cost or even more expensive too DIY. Plus I am not sure that it will really work or not need to be done more often because of its quality, which is not reflected in the price either.
We believe if you are going to do it you should do it right. We have spent millions of dollars over 18 years to figure out the best program for lawns right here in our area. We are constantly testing, changing timing and improving. These high quality products that are put down at specific times not only are the best for your lawn they focus on your soil. Just like with your home and starting with a strong foundation we start with strong soil. While we 100% guarantee our results we do have to say to give us at least a season, because it does take time to start building great soil.
Please watch the video to learn more.