5 Flowers to Revamp Your Landscape this Year: Lawn Care Sherman, IL Experts’ Recommendations

January 24, 2016
Green Acres Lawn Care & Landscape

Do you want a gorgeous landscape this year, to turn your property into a veritable work of art? Say no more! Our lawn care Sherman, IL specialists are here to tell you about five flowers and plants which can completely revamp your landscape’s looks. The easiest way to achieve a sumptuous landscape makeover is to plant new flowers and shrubs. All you need to do is ask your local landscaping Sherman, IL specialists to design you a landscape to include the new flower additions, build you new flower beds and create beautiful rows or patches of colored scented miracles. Today, together with their landscaping Genoa, IL colleagues, they came up with a list of five gorgeous perennials which can make your property sparkle and buzz with life!

1. Butterfly Weed

Don’t let the name fool you! This perennial can be grown as a decorative plant which attracts lots of happy butterflies to your property. It blooms in mid and late summer, covering the premises in orange, yellow, pink or vermillion clusters. The thin, ornamental seedpods that follow are equally beautiful. The main advantage is that this perennial is native to the Midwest, so it needs little maintenance.

2. Coneflowers

Another native perennial, coneflowers come in many varieties and colors. They are particularly resilient to wind or rain. Depending on the variety you choose, you can have pink, purple and white patches of color. Coneflowers are very versatile and can be arranged in a wide variety of designs, as some grow 16 inches while other types can reach 4 feet in height.

3. Bluebells

The Virginia bluebell variety is an incredible spring perennial which reseeds itself, so you can see the colony expanding its reign over your territory year after year. Of course, you can contain its expansion but you can also enjoy amazing pink – purple buds all spring long. The bluebells enjoy sunny and shady areas and is easy to care for and maintain.

4. Lenten Roses

Lawn care Roscoe, IL specialists have a soft spot for Lenten roses. They are evergreen, sturdy and resilient to cold weather. You can see them bloom in late winter and early spring. You can plant them to emphasize the sides of your walkways, as they offer quite a colorful show: shades of purple, red, green, and pink get mixed together with near-black and white hues. Keep in mind they are fond of shady areas mostly.

5. Alliums

If you want to add depth and height to your flower beds, plant purple alliums. Their pom-pom shape and leafless stems make great companions for low-height flowers and other perennials. A fabulous member of the onion family, alliums are easy to care for and maintain, provided you keep them in more shady areas on your property.

Your lawn care Sherman, IL specialists will find the best places on your property to plant these gorgeous perennials for a spectacular effect!

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