4 Epsom Salt Uses for Your Vegetation: Lawn Care Belvidere IL Pros’ Tips

May 14, 2017
Lawn Care Tips

When it comes to organic and mindful lawn care, the use of Epsom Salt is among the first things gardeners think about. This organic mineral is available in drugstores and supermarkets and is commonly used as bath salt and home remedy. However, gardeners swear by its benefits as a fertilizer and soil amendment. We have talked about Epsom Salt before, focusing on your flowers and vegetable gardens. Today, our lawn care Belvidere IL specialists want to offer you a quick guide on using Epsom Salt throughout the summer as a lawn care and gardening aid.

1. Avoid Transplant Shock

No matter if you transplant flowers, shrubs, trees, or other ornamentals from one place to another around the property, these plants will suffer transplant shock. Sometimes more delicate flowers or shrubs wilt and die after the transplant. In order to keep them healthy and strong and give them a chance for survival, put Epsom Salt in the transplant holes. Cover the salt with dirt and then place the transplanted plant. The magnesium in the salt will help plants better absorb the nutrients in the soil, counter root damage and develop healthily.

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Lawn Aeration Service

2. Keep Your Turf Green

Don’t you just hate it when you see your lush, green lawn turn yellow here and there or look a bit under the weather for no apparent reason? If there is no connection to poor irrigation, pests, extreme weather phenomena, heavy grass stomping, lawn mower stress, or pollution, then your lawn needs a boost of magnesium. Mix Epsom Salt in water and irrigate your lawn with the solution: use 3 pounds of salt for every 1250 square feet of grass. Your turf will stay green and upright all summer long. Its blades will grow stronger and resist better to weather conditions, lawn mower stress, and children stomping the grass.

3. Green up Foliage

A magnesium deficit leads to leaves turning yellow – just as it happens with the grass. If you can’t identify other causal factors for such an occurrence, it means that your shrubs, trees, hedges, or other ornamental plants and vines suffer from a magnesium deficiency. Spray the foliage with a gallon of water mixed with 2 table spoons of Epsom Salt until the leaves are green and lush again.

4. Counter Leaf Curling

Leaf curling, together with leaf yellowing, is signs of magnesium deficiencies. If you see your flowers, shrubs, hedges, and trees’ leaves curl, you can solve the problem by spreading Epsom Salt at the base of the trees / shrubs to help the roots better absorb the already existing nutrients in the soil, boost chlorophyll production, and make the leaves look green and strong.

You can boost your entire landscape’s looks and health with the help of Epsom Salt our lawn care Belvidere specialists say. Roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, and bougainvilleas will have the time of their life if you occasionally feed them Epsom Salt – their foliage will be lush and green and they will yield more flowers which will develop in more vibrant colors and more tantalizing scents.

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