3 Water Saving Alternatives to Grass: Lawn Care Cherry Valley, IL Pros’ Ideas

February 22, 2016
Green Acres Lawn Care & Landscape

The preservation of water resources and the scarcity of water on a global level is an environmental problem we just can’t avoid talking about anymore. Latest statistics confirmed that around 1/3 of the total U.S. residential water was consumed for irrigation purposes. Across the country, some states already face the negative effects of water scarcity. Thus, the issue of turf watering has been discussed among lawn care specialists, horticulturists, environmentalists and even landscape designers. Today we have some of our best lawn care Cherry Valley IL experts to present us with three water-saving alternatives to the traditional turf-based lawns and properties. Are you willing to replace the turf with something else? Some homeowners already did. Let’s see what they came up with.

1. Masonry and Hardscape Elements

Our lawn care Cherry Valley, IL experts have talked about cutting down the lawn size and adding functional elements to a property in order to save water, energy, and maintenance money and lawn care efforts. Today, we will look into the most frequent solutions employed by other who wanted to cut the lawn size and make significant changes related to water consumption and water bills. The idea is this: adding hardscape and masonry elements. We are talking about decks, patios, paved floors for outdoor living spaces, stone pavers, cobblestone pathways, brick terraces, container gardens, sand gardens, fire pits, and retaining walls and so on. They minimize the space occupied by turf and go great with native plants. You can still have shady areas and enough flower beds and turf patches, but they will significantly reduce the need for watering, mowing, aeration, overseeding and so on.

1. Native Plants

Low maintenance lawns and gardens can be achieved with the help of native plants, including grasses, weeds (like dandelions or clover), crabgrass, chickweed, scented herbs and spices, shrubs and wild perennials. Such “freedom lawns”, while considered traditionally weed-infested properties, need little water, almost no fertilization, mowing or maintenance. A reliable lawn care Cherry Valley, IL company can help you manage such lawn so some weeds don’t take over the entire landscape and even achieve a natural, evergreen and water-saving landscape. Native plants can resists despite pests, extreme weather conditions and even soil problems.

2. White Clover Lawns

Even if clover is traditionally regarded as a weed, new water saving landscaping trends are using white clover to replace football field-sized lawns. White clover is resilient to almost any climacteric conditions, it is self-sustainable, extracting its nutrients out of the air, is resistant to hot temperatures as well as it loves shady and moist areas. It can survive without water for months, keeping its green foliage almost the entire year. It faces other weeds with success and has few pests to worry about. In summer, a white clover carpet turns your property into a patch of Heaven, as it blossoms in small white flowers. Those who have replaced their entire lawn with white clover carpets enjoy a beautiful landscape and mind-blowing small water bills.

Would you replace your turf with weeds, clover or hardscapes? Ask our lawn care Cherry Valley, IL experts for the best solutions to save water!

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